Frequently Asked Question

How to Grow Garlic
Last Updated 4 years ago

Here are some basic instructions for growing garlic in the North Texas area. These instructions came from "Alpha Beta Orchards" in Fort Worth. (see the original post for more information)

  1. Buy health-looking bulbs from a natural grocery store. (OP says these are better than the bulbs bought from big-box stores) Each head should yield about 10 bulbs when grown.
  2. Break up the bulb into the little cloves (leave the paper on each clove).
  3. On or near October 1st, plant the cloves in a location with full sun. Push each clove, pointy side up, down into the soil 1/2 to 1 inch below the soil line. Plant one clove every 6 inches in a rows 10 to 12 inchs apart.
  4. Harvest garlic plans in summer, typically near the end of May, when the 4-6 bottom leaves turn yellow. Don't wash the plants, just tap the dirt off and place them on a wire storage rack to dry in a cool, dry place.

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